The internet, email, texting, Facebook, web sites, and telephone are great ways to keep in touch.
Here are some of the resources available to you ...
ANNOUNCEMENTS OF GRACE are published each week to keep those who couldn't be in church updated on what is happening. If you know of someone who might like to receive this weekly email announcement, please send THEIR EMAIL ADDRESS to Enable JavaScript to view protected content..
GRACE CHURCH WEBSITE ( provides information about our parish and updates on items of importance.
If you know of something that should be on our website but isn't, please send an email to Enable JavaScript to view protected content.
FACEBOOK is an active social media place where we share Grace Church with each other and the wider world.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You do NOT need to be a "member" or "Log In" to be able to read what is posted on our Facebook page.
EMAIL is so important to communication in today's world. Many of us have never known a world without email, but amazingly many people at Grace Church do not have an email address or haven't told us. Obviously you do, because you are reading this, but if you know of anyone who hasn't provided an email address to the church, now is a good time to do so (see WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP? below)
ZOOM is the world's leading teleconferencing system. It allows multiple people to connect with each other at the same time, to see and talk with each other. Grace Church has an account and our parish leaders will be using this for necessary meetings. If you have a computer with speaker and camera (virtually any modern laptop) or even a smartphone, go to for instructions on How to Setup Zoom so you can be part of Coffee Hour next week.
TEXTING by cellphone is the newest way to communicate. Many of us at Grace Church use this continually, but the church directory has only a fraction of your phone numbers.
TELEPHONE -- good old fashioned telephone -- for those people with none of the above. Everyone at Grace Church can be contacted by telephone.
Go thru your Parish Directory. If "the dog ate your copy" please let us know and we will send you another copy.
* Check YOUR information.
* Check people you know and communicate with.
If you know information that is missing, like email address or cell phone, PLEASE let us know. You can send updates to Enable JavaScript to view protected content..