Community Worship & Ministry
Churches in rural communities are realizing that the whole Body of Christ must work together, despite our denominational differences. In Randolph, our parishes work together to minister in the wider community:
- Grace Episcopal Church
- St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church
- Randolph United Presbyterian Church
- East Randolph United Methodist Church
VBS ~ Vacation Bible School
Each summer, during the second week of August, our churches come together for a shared Vacation Bible School. We rotate hosting of VBS in a four-year cycle, though ALL of the congregations particiapte in each year's event. We generally have about 100 children throughout the week – pre-school thru grade-6. A sizeable portion of the participants do not regularly attend church, but are invited to this event by friends.
Blessing of the Animals
Each year, in celebration of the Feast of Saint Francis, Grace Church hosts the Blessing of the Animals. We have had fish and gerbils, cats and Guinea pigs, Clyde the mule, but mostly dogs ... and Mr. Jingles, the parakeet. Our service is filled with song and prayer, recalling our rightful place in God's creation, and indivual blessing of each pet, including presentation of a St. Francis Medal for their collar or harness.
Community Thanksgiving Worship
On the Sunday preceeding Thanksgiving Day, we gather in rotation to celebration a time of thanksgiving in prayer. We rotate preaching, no one ever preaching in their own building. Offerings of food and money are provide to the Randolph Community Cupboard.
Randolph Memory Tree
On the first Satruday of Advent, the people of Randolph gather at the Triagle Park, erect a large evergreen tree, and decorate it with ornaments in mamory or in honor of loved ones. In a decidedly Christian ceremony, we honor each person and begin the season in prayer and song. Grace Church has always been a part of this public ministry.
Ashes to Go
In recent years we have begun the very visible pulic ministry of "Ashes to Go" at the main crossroads in the village of Randolph. Our main street has 7,000+ vehicles per day travel it, on their way to or from the I-86, and we have had people from distant places stop for ashes, thankful to have stumbled upon us on their journey. We have become an anticipated presence in the village, with even those who do not attend a church sharing with others about ashes on the street corner on Ash Wednesday.
Article in Jamestown Post-Journal