Welcome to Grace Episcopal Church!
Sunday Service 10am
Current Events at Grace:
Grace Church Calls a New Priest!
The Wardens and Vestry of Grace Church are pleased to announce that we have called the Reverend Colleen McHale O’Connor to be our new priest. She will officially start on January 1st, 2024, and she will be celebrating the Eucharist with us every week starting Sunday January 7th. As the Rectory is rented, we have secured an apartment for her to use when she is in Randolph. Colleen and her husband Chris (who is also an Episcopal Priest) own a home in Stafford, NY. We are excited for the future, and pray for a long and beneficial collaboration. Please, come, introduce yourself, and say “hi” to Colleen next Sunday!
Vestry of Grace Episcopal Church
Ladies Night Out: Every Second Thursday at 5:30pm
Ladies Night Out is on the second Thursday of each month, at 5:30pm. Please join us for a fun evening of fellowship. Locations to be announced for each month. If you plan to attend, need a ride, or would like more information, please contact Sarah Barton 716-359-7135, or Dianne Gaddis 703-201-4753.
News from Bishop Sean
Bishop Sean would like the practice of the common cup to return at communion. For intinction, the Bishop would like clergy or Eucharistic ministers to intinct the bread in the wine (as we have been.)
At Grace we'll have the common cup, as well as the option for intinction. People can signify their preference:
- Both hands extended to receive the bread and common cup
- One hand extended, the other crossed over the chest to receive the intincted host (we thought this makes sense, as it’s a somewhat familiar gesture - both hands crossed over chest indicates a desire not to receive communion, but a blessing.) As we do at Grace, we’ll give it a try, learn, and adapt as needed.
WNY & NWPA Diocesan Newsletter